You’ve moved to New York in October last year right, why New York?
Yea, so New York was always a big dream for me. Even when I was in middle school I used to always lie and say I was from here. I made up this NYC accent and literally lie on everybody saying I was a New Yorker. It was quite a big step but it was long overdue.
Why was it overdue?
Me wanting to move to New York was a dream that I have been having since I was in middle school, it was going to happen regardless. But also I moved because living with my parents in Florida it was hard to be a creative, and a queer creative at that. It’s hard when you live with people you don’t see eye to eye with. Next to this, for me Florida just isn’t it, for me it’s way more freeing and inspirational to live in a place like New York where you are surrounded with likeminded people